SCHN 2017 Annual Report

SCHNITZER STEEL INDUSTRIES, INC. 45 / Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. Form 10-K 2017 We estimate the fair value of the reporting units using an income approach based on the present value of expected future cash flows utilizing a market-based weighted average cost of capital (“WACC”) determined separately for each reporting unit. To estimate the present value of the cash flows that extend beyond the final year of the discounted cash flow model, we employ a terminal value technique, whereby we use estimated operating cash flows minus capital expenditures, adjust for changes in working capital requirements in the final year of the model, and then discount these estimated cash flows by the WACC to establish the terminal value. The determination of fair value using the income approach requires judgment and involves the use of significant estimates and assumptions about expected future cash flows derived from internal forecasts and the impact of market conditions on those assumptions. Critical assumptions primarily include revenue growth rates driven by future commodity prices and volume expectations, operating margins, capital expenditures, working capital requirements, tax rates, terminal growth rates, discount rates, benefits associated with a taxable transaction and synergistic benefits available to market participants. We also use a market approach based on earnings multiple data and our Company’s market capitalization to corroborate our reporting units’valuations.We reconcile the Company’smarket capitalization to the aggregated estimated fair value of our reporting units, including consideration of a control premium representing the estimated amount a market participant would pay to obtain a controlling interest. As a result of the inherent uncertainty associated with forming the estimates described above, actual results could differ from those estimates. Future events and changing market conditions may impact our assumptions as to future revenue and operating margin growth rates, market-based WACC, and other factors that may result in changes in our estimates of the reporting units' fair value. Although we believe the assumptions used in testing our reporting units’ goodwill for impairment are reasonable, declines in market conditions from current levels, a trend of weaker than anticipated financial performance for the reporting unit with allocated goodwill, a decline in our share price from current levels for a sustained period of time, or an increase in the market-based WACC, among other factors, could significantly impact our impairment analysis and may result in future goodwill impairment charges that, if incurred, could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations. In the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017, we performed the annual goodwill impairment test as of July 1, 2017. As of the testing date, the balance of the Company's goodwill of $167 million was carried by a single reporting unit within the AMR operating segment. We elected to first assess qualitative factors to determine whether the existence of events or circumstances led to a determination that it is more likely than not that the estimated fair value of the reporting unit is less than its carrying amount. As a result of the qualitative assessment, we concluded that it is not more likely than not that the fair value of the reporting unit is less than its carrying value as of the testing date and, therefore, no further impairment testing was required. Long-Lived Assets We test long-lived tangible and intangible assets for impairment at the asset group level, which is determined based on the lowest level for which identifiable cash flows are largely independent of the cash flows of other groups of assets and liabilities. For our metals recycling operations reported within AMR, an asset group is generally comprised of the regional shredding and export operation along with surrounding feeder yards. For regions with no shredding and export operations, each metals recycling yard is an asset group. For our auto parts operations, generally each auto parts store is an asset group. The combined steel manufacturing and metals recycling operations within CSS are a single asset group. Prior to their combination into CSS in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017, our steel manufacturing operations and Oregon metals recycling operations were distinct asset groups. We test our asset groups for impairment when certain triggering events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of the asset group may be impaired. If the carrying value of the asset group is not recoverable because it exceeds the estimate of future undiscounted cash flows from the use and eventual disposition of the asset group, an impairment loss is recognized by the amount the carrying value exceeds its fair value, if any. The impairment loss is allocated to the long-lived assets of the group on a pro rata basis using the relative carrying amounts of those assets, except that the loss allocated to an individual long-lived asset of the group shall not reduce the carrying amount of that asset below its fair value. Fair value is determined primarily using the cost and market approaches. With respect to individual long-lived assets, changes in circumstances may merit a change in the estimated useful lives or salvage values of the assets, which are accounted for prospectively in the period of change. For such assets, the useful life is shortened based on our current plans to dispose of or abandon the asset before the end of its original useful life and depreciation is accelerated beginning when that determination is made.