SCHN 2021 Form 10-K

13 / Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. Form 10-K 2021 Our TCIR, DART Rate and LTIR for the fiscal years ended August 31, 2019, 2020 and 2021 are as follows: COVID-19 cases for which contact tracing could not identify a source of exposure outside of work are included in OHSA reporting in accordance with OHSA reporting requirements using a designated special code for the nature of the illness. These cases are excluded from the TCIR and LTIR metrics shown above. COVID-19 We implemented and managed a wide range of controls and other protective measures at our sites to detect and prevent the transmission of COVID-19. A key control established as part of our COVID-19 response is monitoring employee health. We utilize an independent 24-hour telemedicine service that allows any employee who exhibits COVID-like symptoms, who has been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case, or who tests positive for COVID-19, to be connected with a licensed medical professional who will perform an assessment, offer direction for quarantining as appropriate and access to testing facilities, and establish a connection to healthcare providers. We provide six hours of paid time for our employees to receive the vaccination and booster. In addition, we cover time away for any complications arising from being vaccinated or the booster. Throughout the COVID-19 health crisis, we compensated employees who tested positive at their regular rate of pay while also retaining health and welfare benefits during their recovery, and until returning to their work schedule. At our facilities, we have instituted a range of safety practices and COVID-19 prevention controls, such as temperature screening, symptom checks, wearing face coverings, hygiene and sanitation procedures, social and physical distancing, installing touchless equipment, and other physical contact reduction processes. We have also supported work-from-home when feasible. To monitor the effectiveness of these controls, our Health and Safety team created a protocol for auditing facilities on their performance against our COVID-19 controls. The results of these audits are reported to senior leadership and used to make any necessary performance improvements. Regular and transparent employee communication also has been critical to our response, including weekly messages of support to help keep safe behaviors top of mind. Ethics Our employees, both union and non-union, participate in annual training on our Company’s Core Values, which includes instruction on our Code of Conduct and ethical behavior. The training includes important topics such as reporting misconduct, prohibition against retaliation, unconscious bias, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. We empower employees to raise issues and concerns regarding compliance with our Code of Conduct, Company policies, and the law by offering multiple reporting channels, including a third-party, confidential, multi-lingual misconduct hotline where employees may choose to remain anonymous. We investigate all reports. In addition to our Code of Conduct and related training, we have a comprehensive Anticorruption Program, inclusive of an overarching Anticorruption Policy available to all employees that details prohibitions against bribery, money laundering, and engaging with terrorists or other sanctioned entities, as well as internal controls, a third-party vetting and monitoring system, and employee engagement and training. For the seventh consecutive year, we were named one of the 2021 World’s Most Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere Institute. This award is given to companies that foster a culture of ethics and transparency at every level of the company by demonstrating leadership across five key categories: ethics and compliance programs; environmental and societal impacts; culture of ethics; governance; and leadership and reputation. Through the annual process of applying for this award and analyzing our scores across all categories, we gain significant insight into current best practices and can plan and implement improvements to our Company-wide communications, training programs, and other initiatives. 2.80 1.91 1.71 FY19 FY20 FY21 TCIR 2.00 1.43 0.98 FY19 FY20 FY21 DART 0.59 0.76 0.27 FY19 FY20 FY21 LTIR