NLY 2023 Annual Report

Our compliance group is responsible for oversight of our regulatory compliance. Our Chief Compliance Officer has reporting lines to the Audit Committee. Description of Risks We are subject to a variety of risks due to the business we operate. Risk categories are an important component of a robust enterprise-wide risk management framework. We have identified the following primary categories that we utilize to identify, assess, measure and monitor risk. Risk Description Liquidity and Funding Risk Risk to earnings, capital or business resulting from our inability to meet our obligations when they come due without incurring unacceptable losses because of inability to liquidate assets or obtain adequate funding. Investment/Market Risk Risk to earnings, capital or business resulting in the decline in value of our assets or an increase in the costs of financing caused by changes in market variables, such as interest rates, which affect the values of investment securities and other investment instruments. Credit Risk Risk to earnings, capital or business resulting from an obligor’s failure to meet the terms of any contract or otherwise failure to perform as agreed. This risk is present in lending and investing activities. Counterparty Risk Risk to earnings, capital or business resulting from a counterparty’s failure to meet the terms of any contract or otherwise failure to perform as agreed. This risk is present in funding, hedging and investing activities. Operational Risk Risk to earnings, capital, reputation or business arising from inadequate or failed internal processes or systems (including business continuity planning), human factors or external events. This risk also applies to our use of proprietary and third party models, software vendors and data providers, and oversight of third party service providers such as sub-servicers, due diligence firms etc. Compliance, Regulatory and Legal Risk Risk to earnings, capital, reputation or conduct of business arising from violations of, or nonconformance with internal and external applicable rules and regulations, losses resulting from lawsuits or adverse judgments, or from changes in the regulatory environment that may impact our business model. ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis 69